Stephanie Tzafaroglou obtains summary disposition in claim involving proper application of MCL 500.3157

Wednesday February 26, 2025

Stephanie Tzafaroglou obtained summary disposition and dismissal of a claim in its entirely in case involving proper application of MCL 500.3157. Plaintiff, a medical provider, brought a claim for No-Fault benefits against the firm’s client, a No-Fault insurer, for services provided to a patient of the plaintiff following an automobile accident which occurred in 2020.  As the patient’s automobile accident occurred in 2020, Ms. Tzafaroglou argued that payment to the provider was governed by MCL 500.3157 pursuant to the Michigan Supreme Court’s decision in Andary v USAA and the No-Fault reform passed by the Michigan Legislature in 2019. Further, Ms. Tzafaroglou argued that the firm’s client properly issued payment to the medical provider consistent with MCL 500.3157. The court was persuaded by these arguments and dismissed plaintiff’s claims against the firm client’s with prejudice.

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