They filed a Motion for Summary Disposition arguing that the Plaintiff had contractually agreed to waive any claims arising from injuries...
David Houbeck and Veronica Prange obtained summary disposition of a provider PIP claim on Appeal on behalf of their client, a regional...
This matter involved complex issues regarding engineering design standards, the Michigan Building Code, choice of law issues, and...
David Houbeck and Veronica Prange successfully obtained a complete dismissal of a PIP claim filed by a non-emergency medical transportation...
Stephanie Tzafaroglou obtained summary disposition and dismissal of a claim in its entirely in case involving proper application of MCL...
In this case, the Plaintiff claimed significant injuries resulting from a fall in a parking lot allegedly caused by an unknown substance....
David Houbeck and Veronica Prange obtained partial summary disposition of a medical facility’s claim for payment of PIP benefits on behalf...
Stephanie Tzafaroglou successfully obtained summary disposition of all claims brought against a client of the firm in a catastrophic claim...
Sajid Islam successfully obtained summary disposition of a 12-count complaint against a client of the firm. The plaintiff alleged various...
The Shareholders of Vandeveer Garzia are pleased to announce the elevation of the following attorneys to Executive Partners of the firm:...
Vandeveer Garzia staff celebrated the holiday at a holiday walk and lunch at Meadowbrook Hall in Rochester, Michigan this past week. ...
Rick Patterson and Sajid Islam prevailed in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals after Sajid Islam obtained summary judgment of a...
Adam Gordon, Samantha Boyd, and Candice Cosby obtained summary disposition of Plaintiff’s and Cross-Plaintiff’s claims against their...
Cassidy Capoferri’s Law Review Note has been selected for publication by the University of Detroit Mercy Law Review. Cassidy’s student...
Veronica Prange obtained summary disposition of Plaintiff’s claims against her client, Hanover Insurance Group, in a lawsuit in which...
Veronica Prange successfully obtained summary disposition of a Plaintiff’s entire lawsuit against her client, the Estate of a deceased...
Adam Gordon and Candice Cosby obtained voluntary dismissal of Plaintiff’s uninsured and underinsured motorist benefits claim following...
Adam Gordon and Candice Cosby obtained partial summary dismissal of Plaintiff’s claims for entitlement to first-party No-Fault benefits,...
Adam Gordon, Samantha Boyd, and Candice Cosby were successful in obtaining Intervening Plaintiffs’ voluntarily dismissal of its suit...
Sajid Islam successfully obtained summary judgment of the plaintiff’s claims for underinsured motorist benefits from a national insurance...
Sajid Islam obtained summary disposition in a third-party negligence lawsuit against his client alleging entitlement to damages as a result...
Sajid M. Islam obtained partial summary disposition in a lawsuit, in which a provider of services claimed first-party No-Fault benefits from...
Stephanie Arndt was appointed to the State Bar of Michigan Negligence Section Council. As part of the 14-person Board, Ms. Arndt will assist...
Adam Gordon and Candice Cosby were successful in obtaining Plaintiff’s voluntarily dismissal of its suit following filing a motion for...
Adam Gordon and Candice Cosby obtained partial summary disposition of Plaintiff’s claims for entitlement to first-party claims of medical...
The Shareholders of Vandeveer Garzia are pleased to announce that Jim Thome, a former Shareholder of the firm and now “of counsel”, has...
Sajid Islam obtained a successful result in the Michigan Court of Appeals where the Court affirmed the trial court’s Order granting...
Donald Brownell and Sajid Islam successfully obtained an Order from the Court of Appeals affirming the trial court’s Order granting their...
Sajid Islam and Massimo Badalamenti obtained partial summary disposition of Plaintiff’s first-party claim for wage loss benefits against...
Sajid Islam successfully obtained partial summary disposition of certain claims for first-party No-Fault benefits. Specifically, Plaintiff...
Anthony Kostello and Melissa Mezin recently received a favorable ruling from the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the trial court’s grant...
Anthony Kostello and Melissa Mezin successfully obtained Summary Judgment in favor of their client, dismissing Plaintiff’s claims in their...
Vandeveer Garzia congratulates seven of our attorneys who were recently selected as “Leading Lawyers” by Leading Lawyers Magazine. The...
Roger Smith was recently the subject of a Netflix documentary series entitled “The Innocence Files.” Episode 9 focused on a case handled...
Diagnostic Solutions v Citizens Insurance Company Kristine Rizzo and Massimo Badalamenti successfully obtained a dismissal of Plaintiff’s...
Zaiya v Encompass Indemnity Company Sajid Islam obtained summary disposition of Plaintiff’s claims for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist...
Deborah Bricely, an attorney and registered nurse, has safely returned home after treating ill patients in Wuhan, China. Deborah Bricely...
Anthony Kostello recently obtained summary disposition in favor of his client. The matter involved a wrongful death action arising out of...
Ashley Slaght was successful in obtaining Plaintiff’s voluntarily dismissal of its suit following filing a motion for summary disposition...
Desilva v Relerford, Lowe and Lowe Sajid Islam successfully obtained summary disposition of Plaintiff’s claim for third-party damages...
Vandeveer Garzia is pleased to announce and congratulates the following Associate Attorneys who have been elevated to Partner: Brian V....
In the spirit of giving, the attorneys and staff of Vandeveer Garzia celebrated the 2019 holiday season by electing to adopt two local...
Jarfar v Al-Hanoka Guy Silvasi recently obtained a dismissal with prejudice of a third party no-fault lawsuit filed in the Macomb County...
Gjok Pepaj v Allstate Insurance Company Guy Silvasi successfully briefed and argued a Motion for Summary Disposition in a second generation...
Ashley Slaght was successful in obtaining the dismissal of Plaintiff service provider’s claims following the sole member and manager’s...
Congratulations to Roger A. Smith (Civil Litigation – Defense), William L. Kiriazis (Construction Litigation) and David B. Timmis...
Kirk, et al. v. Allstate Insurance Company Sajid Islam obtained summary disposition of Plaintiffs’ claims against his client, Allstate...
American Anesthesia Associates, LLC v Farmers Insurance Exchange Brian Boehne obtained summary disposition of Plaintiff’s claims against...
Adam Gordon, Peter O’Toole and Ashley Slaght obtained a no-cause jury verdict in a Macomb County Circuit Court matter wherein Plaintiff...
Merit Network, Inc. v AMcomm Telecommunications, Inc. David Timmis and David Houbeck obtained summary disposition with prejudice on behalf...
Star Pain Management v Encompass Sajid Islam and Kristine Rizzo obtained partial summary disposition in district court as it relates to a...
Ashley Slaght obtained voluntary dismissal of Plaintiff’s first-party No-Fault benefits claim following filing a Motion for Summary...
Faller v. Yamato Corporation and Kroger Co. of Michigan Tim Connaughton and Armin Halilovic successfully defended a claim by plaintiff,...
Lucas v Gillin Sarah Gordon, Brian Boehne, and Dena Auraha obtained summary disposition, with prejudice, on behalf of their client, a...
Gray v GCA Services Group, Inc. Tina Battle, Adam Gordon, and Peter O’Toole obtained summary disposition, with prejudice, on behalf of...
Lucas and Natasha Coon, individually, and as Next Friend of Jacoby Coon, a minor v David Ryan and Pamela Ryan and Dakryn Properties LLC Matt...
Ashley Slaght obtained partial summary dismissal of Plaintiff’s claims for entitlement to first-party No-Fault benefits, significantly...
On Saturday, February 23, a group of Vandeveer Garzia employees and their families and friends once again volunteered at Gleaners Community...
Shield Global Partners v Allstate Insurance Company, et al. Donald Brownell and Sajid Islam successfully obtained summary disposition of...
Mary Lambert v Handelsman, Inc. d/b/a Better Health Market Samantha Boyd handled this case and before she went on maternity leave she...
Gomez v Allstate Insurance Company, et al. Sajid Islam obtained a reversal of the trial court’s ruling on a Motion for Summary Disposition...
Attorney Deb Bricely was again deployed as part of the National Disaster Medical Assistance Team to Chico, California in response to the...
Saar v. Johns April Malak was granted summary disposition in Oakland County Circuit Court on Plaintiff’s claim for damages stemming from...
Estate of Dani Homrich v Selective Insurance Company et al Roger Smith and Beth Andrews succeeded in obtaining summary disposition in the...
Perkins v Encompass Indemnity Company Guy Silvasi obtained summary disposition in Montcalm County Circuit Court in a uninsured/underinsured...
Carol Masse, Personal Representative of the Estate of Deborah Klapp v Patsy Lou Chevrolet, Inc. Lead trial attorney Adam Gordon along with...
Tina Battle and Brian Boehne obtained summary disposition, with prejudice, in the Wayne County Circuit Court, on Plaintiff’s claims for...
Tony Kostello has had a grant of summary judgment by the United States District Court affirmed in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. The...
Galloway v. Allstate Sajid Islam obtained a partial dismissal with prejudice of Plaintiff’s claim for attendant care benefits. Plaintiff...
Holland v Citizens Sarah Gordon and Tina Battle obtained a dismissal, with prejudice, on behalf of their clients, Citizens Insurance Company...
Ikle v Fritts, et al Sajid Islam obtained a favorable result arguing against a plaintiff’s motion for preliminary injunction in a property...
Ames v Allstate Insurance Company Sajid Islam obtained a dismissal with prejudice of Allstate Insurance Company in a lawsuit for First-Party...
Adam Gordon and Samantha Boyd obtained a dismissal of Plaintiff’s negligence claims against Defendant in the Jackson County Circuit Court....
Meghan Mair v Bristol West, et. al. Adam Gordon and Ashley Slaght successfully obtained a summary disposition in Oakland County Circuit...
Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company v Frankenmuth Insurance Co., et. al. Roger Smith and Ashley Slaght successfully obtained a voluntary...
At the 84th Annual Oakland County Bar Association Meeting on June 4, 2018, attorney Deb Bricely received the Frances R. Avandenka Memorial...
Morton v Theta Chis Fraternity Tim Connaughton and Matt Chapin successfully defended a wrongful death case by obtaining a summary...
Deloney v Rishmawi Peter O’Toole and Samantha Boyd obtained a no cause of action in a jury trial seeking automobile negligence damages....
On Saturday, April 7, 2018, a group of Vandeveer Garzia employees and their family and friends volunteered for the afternoon at Gleaners...
Metro Hospital v Premier Caulking, Inc. Bill Kiriazis and Adam Gordon successfully defended a $10 million construction lawsuit by obtaining...
Muhammad v Moore. Adam Gordon and Ashley Slaght obtained a summary disposition on a wrongful death claim in Kent County Circuit Court in a...
Fritz v Millennia Housing Management, Ltd. William Kiriazis received a summary disposition from Judge James Maceroni in a case pending in...
Bell v Citizens Sarah Gordon recently filed a Motion for Summary Disposition on a case in which Plaintiff was claiming entitlement to...
Williams v Allstate Armin Halilovic and Matt Chapin successfully obtained a Partial Summary Disposition in Wayne County Circuit Court. In...