Congratulations to our new Partner and Executive Partners!

The Shareholders of Vandeveer Garzia are pleased to announce the elevation of the following attorneys to Executive Partners of the firm:

Stephanie L. Arndt

Matthew J. Chapin

Michelle L. Everett and

David Q. Houbeck.

In addition, we are pleased to announce the elevation of Salman Islam to Partner. 

Each of these Partners have shown that they are very capable lawyers, proven leaders and are individuals who are a tremendous asset to the firm and the future of the firm.  We congratulate each of these Partners on their elevation and look forward to their continued work here at Vandeveer Garzia.

Meadowbrook Hall Staff Holiday Celebration

Vandeveer Garzia 2022 Staff Holiday Party

Vandeveer Garzia staff celebrated the holiday at a holiday walk and lunch at Meadowbrook Hall in Rochester, Michigan this past week.  The group enjoyed an elegant meal in a private dining room, followed by a tour of the 110-room 88,000 square foot mansion, which was beautifully decorated for the holidays, displaying 50 magnificently decorated trees.  The event provided a special opportunity for our staff to gather and have some fun together to celebrate another year. 

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