In today’s complex and competitive business climate, deals are frequently consummated without due consideration for all contingencies and consequences. The attorneys at Vandeveer Garzia can provide advice and consultation at the onset of a business relationship designed to avoid conflict or costly litigation. An appropriately drafted contract, which specifically delineates the rights and obligations of the parties, will prevent difficult business partners from attempting to avoid their responsibilities or making unreasonable demands. Such an agreement will also promote better harmony between business partners, as clearly defined roles are the cornerstone of a solid and continuing relationship.
In the event that litigation does arise, the attorneys of Vandeveer Garzia are uniquely suited to handle such matters in an aggressive, but cost-effective, manner. Unfortunately, too often the only winners in commercial litigation are the attorneys. The attorneys of Vandeveer Garzia are mindful of the ultimate goal of commercial litigants, which is to extricate themselves from costly and distracting litigation in a quick and economic fashion. Through the use of early Alternative Dispute Resolution alternatives, clients of Vandeveer Garzia have been able to put litigation behind them. In the event that early resolution is not possible, the attorneys of Vandeveer Garzia aggressively pursue the interests of their clients, while keeping the clients fully informed and involving the clients in significant strategic decisions. Unfortunately, there is an increasing propensity for business relationships to end up in litigation. The attorneys of Vandeveer Garzia fully understand the economic and emotional importance to their clients of prevailing in such litigation.